Ten Months Later

July 24, 2014 § 1 Comment

It’s been over 10 months since I’ve updated this particular blog. Outside of school papers, I haven’t written much of anything anywhere.  There are a lot of reasons for this. It may be easiest to explain it by simply stating what has changed in that 10 months:

I have completed one year of seminary. And in the course of that year, I decided to leave the Masters of Divinity program and pursue a Masters of Arts in Theology instead. I attend a different church community now…with my HUSBAND! That’s right, I went from girlfriend to wife in 6 months flat.


The best way I can describe these last 10 months is disorienting (and of course, magical).  The time that has gone by has been necessary, but I sorely miss being a worship leader.  This blog has been dedicated to reflections of the worship life of Real Life Fellowship.  With some encouragement from dear friends, I’ve decided to re-enter this world of reflection in my new context.

My hope for further writing is to reflect on the worship life of the Church in the broader sense of the word. So if you are reading from RLF, don’t go away! I believe this could still speak to you and the fellowship.


Let’s talk soon, ya?


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